Emergency Rule and Map – Indiana DNR

Temporarily amends 312 IAC 5 to provides that an individual may not operate a boat at a speed greater than idle speed on Cedar Lake when operating the boat at a distance less than 201 feet from: (1) dredging equipment; or (2) the center line that extends along the narrowest portion of Cedar Lake. Provides that a person who travels at a speed greater than idle speed on Cedar Lake when operating the boat at a distance less than 201 feet under specified circumstances commits a Class C infraction. Effective on the date and time that the rule is accepted for filing by the publisher.

SECTION 1. (a) An individual may not operate a boat at a speed greater than idle speed on Cedar Lake when operating the boat at a distance less than two hundred one (201) feet from dredging equipment.
(b) An individual may not operate a boat at a speed greater than idle speed on Cedar Lake when operating the boat at a distance less than two hundred one (201) feet in any direction from the line that extends along the narrowest portion of Cedar Lake between the following two (2) points:
(1) Point one (1) is located at 41.36432 degrees North and 87.43093 degrees East.
(2) Point two (2) is located at 41.36539 degrees North and 87.43477 degrees East.
(c) An individual who violates this SECTION commits a Class C infraction under IC 14-15-7-3.
SECTION 2. This document expires October 1, 2023

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