Summer Concert Change of Venue
Due to the cool temperatures and rain forecasted, the Lakeside Artists Guild’s “Summer Serenade” will be performed at Illiana Christian High School, 10920 Calumet Avenue, Dyer, IN 46311. Full Photo Image
Due to the cool temperatures and rain forecasted, the Lakeside Artists Guild’s “Summer Serenade” will be performed at Illiana Christian High School, 10920 Calumet Avenue, Dyer, IN 46311. Full Photo Image
Wednesday, June 7th and Thursday, June 8th, 2023: Friday, June 9th, 2023: General Safety Announcement:
We have had some folks call and ask us if businesses are closed due to the dredging project, and they are not required to be closed during the dredging. All businesses in town, including the marinas, are able to be open during the dredging project.
Public Works will begin spraying on June 12 and continue until September. Spray schedule is Monday – Thursday, leaving Friday for a make-up day only due to weather conditions we may encounter during the week. The town is split into 4 different zones; 1 zone will be covered per night.
The pipe crossings did not go in today as planned after multiple attempts by Dredge America. It was too windy today creating dangerous conditions to work. Dredge America will be starting first thing in the morning tomorrow to try again and get the southern and middle crossings installed. They were however able to get the…
Wednesday May 24th• Dredge America will be transporting additional fused pipeline (9am – 12pm) from South Shore Country Club parking lot into the lake to connect onto the south end up to Pine Crest Marina. Boaters can still boat through the southern end of the lake if they need access, but they just need to…
The pipe used for dredging is now in place on Cedar Lake. The pipe is marked with flags. Please use the crossing points which are also marked.
5/19/2023 7:22 am – The boil advisory for Summer winds neighborhood is now lifted We are issuing a boil advisory for the Summer Winds residential neighborhood. A water main had to be repaired, which required testing. This does not affect the business district or the Summer Winds Plaza. This will be until further notice.
137th Avenue roadway project to take place tomorrow through Friday (17th-19th), weather pending. 137th Avenue will be closed (from Parrish to CSX RxR Tracks) during working hours (7 am – 7 pm). A signed detour will be set up for the traveling public to use Lauerman, 141st, and Parrish to get around. Winding Creek folks…
Cedar Lake Advisory: Starting Friday, April 21st, a  stretch of 141st Avenue, directly East of Morse St, will be closed for three (3) weeks for the continued work being performed as part of the East Side Water Main Extension. Reeder Road and W 133rd Ave are alternative Routes. Click Here for a Map