Alerts from Rave / Smart911
Latest Alert:
- Cedar Lake - Warming ShelterCedar Lake Advisory: If there is a need for a warming shelter call 911. The Town Hall is an established location.
Consumer Confidence Drinking Water Report for 2023
June 29, 2024
Cedar Lake Community: The Consumer Confidence Drinking Water Report (CCR) for 2023 is available online at This report is for the Municipal Water System for the Town of Cedar Lake. Questions regarding this report can be directed to Ryan Kuiper, Water Superintendant, at the Cedar Lake Water Department office at (219)-374-7478. Water from private groundwater wells…
June 27, 2024
Time of Use: Between 5:00 p.m. and two hours after sunset (10:30 p.m.) on June 29, June 30, July 1, July 2, July 3, July 5, July 6, July 7, July 8, and July 9; and between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight on July 4 Location of use: Fireworks shall exclusively be used on the user’s…
Road Closure, Morse St.
June 2, 2024
The Town of Cedar Lake announces that construction will begin June 3, 2024. Northbound traffic on Morse from W 139th Pl to W 138th Pl will be closed from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on June 7th. Expect delays, watch for flaggers, and consider planning an alternative route.
Spring Hydrant Flushing begins Tuesday, April 2nd.
April 1, 2024
The Town of Cedar Lake will begin its Spring Hydrant Flushing on Tuesday, April 2nd. Please keep an eye out for posted signs.
Road Closure W 141st Ave & US41
March 28, 2024
Cedar Lake Advisory: NIPSCO is planning a road closure along 141st Ave, near the intersection of W 141st Ave & US 41, for utility pole installation on April 2nd, 3rd, and 4th from approximately 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please be prepared for slowed &/or stopped traffic and detour.
Emergency Road Closure
January 26, 2024
Cedar Lake Advisory: The Town of Cedar Lake announces an Emergency Road Closure on North Lake Shore Dr. near Bartlett Wahlberg Park (7400 Block). This closure is due to a downed power pole and power lines. NIPSCO is on-site and will be performing repairs this morning. Plan an alternative route.
Police Advisory
January 11, 2024
Cedar Lake Advisory: A Snow Route Parking prohibition will be in place in the event of any falling snow, sleet, or freezing rain. This will stay in effect until the snow, sleet, or freezing rain has been cleared entirely. Vehicles can not be parked on the roadway during this time. Ordinance 72.23 All streets or…
Morse Street Lane Restriction
November 22, 2023
Cedar Lake Advisory: The northbound lane of Morse Street will be closed between 139th Place and 138th Place from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., from November 27th to December 1st, weather pending. There will be flaggers & signage during the lane closure.
Constitution Avenue Closure
September 22, 2023
Road Closure: Constitution Avenue will be closed Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. starting Monday, September 25, 2023, and last 5 days, weather pending, to tie into the sewer system for the new Public Safety Complex. Click here to view the detour route map.
Road Closure (W 141st Ave between Hobart St. and Wheeler St.)
September 21, 2023
The Town of Cedar Lake announces that construction will begin today, September 21st, on and in the area of W 141st Ave between Hobart St. and Wheeler St. W 141st Ave will be closed with Detours posted. The Detour Route is W 133rd Ave. Expect delays and consider planning an alternative route. The project is scheduled…
LIFTED: PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER ADVISORY – West Side System (Municipal water users West of Cline Ave.) within Town Limits
August 31, 2023
Cedar Lake Alert System: PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER ADVISORY 0/1/2023 1:55 PM – The Boil advisory that was in effect for municipal water users, West of Cline Ave, is lifted. All samples passed. DATE: 8-31-2023 AFFECTED AREA: West Side System (Municipal water users West of Cline Ave.) within Town Limits The Cedar Lake Water Utility experienced a…
Road Closure W 141st Ave
August 30, 2023
Road closure. Thursday, 8-31-2023. 141st Ave, West of Hanover Middle School / Red Cedars entrance. 141st Ave will be closed on Thursday, 8-31-2023. The closure will be West of the Hanover Middle School entrance on 141st Ave (at approximately the 10700 block of 141st Ave.) The school entrance, on 141st Ave, will be accessible via…
Morse Street-140th Avenue Intersection Closure
July 19, 2023
Cedar Lake Advisory: The Town of Cedar Lake announces that construction will begin at 7 am, July 24 at the intersection of Morse Street and 140th Avenue. Use 141st Avenue, Reeder Road, 133rd Avenue, and Morse Street as the detour routes. The project lasts through 4 pm, July 26, weather pending.  Click here to view the detour map.
Prohibited Parking for Summerfest
June 28, 2023
Summerfest begins on Friday, June 30th, 2023, at 5 pm. Parking is prohibited all around the Town Hall grounds for this event. Signs are posted; however, that does not mean you can park alongside the road where signs are not posted. You cannot park on private property without permission. We anticipate a very busy crowd…
Public Beach Closing
June 25, 2023
The public beach behind the Cedar Lake Town Hall will be closed from Wednesday, June 28th, to Wednesday, July 5th, 2023, for the Summerfest. Parking near the beach will be closed Monday, June 26th, 2023, for the placement of dumpsters for Summerfest. There is the same procedure as in previous years.
Boil advisory for the Summer Winds residential neighborhood
May 17, 2023
5/19/2023 7:22 am – The boil advisory for Summer winds neighborhood is now lifted We are issuing a boil advisory for the Summer Winds residential neighborhood. A water main had to be repaired, which required testing. This does not affect the business district or the Summer Winds Plaza. This will be until further notice.
137th Ave Road Construction
May 17, 2023
137th Avenue roadway project to take place tomorrow through Friday (17th-19th), weather pending. 137th Avenue will be closed (from Parrish to CSX RxR Tracks) during working hours (7 am – 7 pm). A signed detour will be set up for the traveling public to use Lauerman, 141st, and Parrish to get around. Winding Creek folks…
Road Closure – W 141st Ave
April 19, 2023
Cedar Lake Advisory: Starting Friday, April 21st, a  stretch of 141st Avenue, directly East of Morse St, will be closed for three (3) weeks for the continued work being performed as part of the East Side Water Main Extension. Reeder Road and W 133rd Ave are alternative Routes. Click Here for a Map
Morse Street Construction
March 24, 2023
Construction on Morse St between W 139th Place and W 140th Ave will start Monday, March 24, 2023, and last for no more than two weeks. The detour routes from Morse will be 149th Ave, Reeder Rd, and 133rd Ave. Click here for the detour route map.
Water Main Connection
March 21, 2023
The Utopia, Camelot Subdivisions, and Stack and VanTil will experience intermittent water service disruptions today for the new water main connection.
Morse Street Road Closure
March 3, 2023
Morse Street will be closed at approximately 16074 Morse Street starting at 7:30 a.m., Monday, March 6th. That segment will be completely impassable for AT LEAST 4 days. Morse Street will be open to local traffic only until April 7, 2023, from 159th Ave to 171st Ave. The detour route is 133rd Avenue, Route 55…
Utopia Subdivision Water Main
February 16, 2023
Utopia water users will experience temporary loss of water service on Tuesday, 2-21-23, from 9a.m. to 2p.m. The interrupted service will be to connect the next section of new water main. Customers may experience discolored water when service is restored. We do not anticipate a boil procedure at this time. Please contact the water department…
Utopia Water Main Break Update
January 25, 2023
Cedar Lake Alert Update: The repair has been made, and the water is back on in Utopia. Boil advisory remains active in Utopia (subdivision) only.
Utopia Main Break
January 25, 2023
Cedar Lake Alert: Water users in Utopia are currently without water due to a water main break. Repairs are underway. The boil advisory continues until further notice.
Utopia Break Update
January 23, 2023
Cedar Lake: Utopia Update to the advisory: A new Utopia water main break in conjunction with a valve break and regular maintenance repairs to a water tower is causing low water pressure or no pressure for our residents who are on the municipal water system on the west side of town from Cline Avenue to…
Utopia-Camelot Boil Advisory Lifted
January 23, 2023
Cedar Lake Advisory: The boil advisory for the Utopia Subdivision is lifted.
Utopia Water Main Break
January 19, 2023
Cedar Lake Alert: From the Water Department: A water main was hit in Utopia at approximately 11:15. Water was isolated for repairs to begin by 11:25. Repairs are underway. Utopia is still under a boil advisory. We have not received the second sample results. However, this break will require two new samples to be drawn…
Water Main Repair Utopia Camelot
January 17, 2023
Cedar Lake Advisory: We have completed our exploratory valve work in the Utopia subdivision. There is a boil advisory for the following streets in Utopia: Drummond, Utopia Dr., Ivy, 135th Pl., and 136th Pl. This boil advisory does not affect 136th Ln., in Utopia, nor does it affect Strack and Vantil, True Value, or the…
Water Main Repair affecting the Utopia and Camelot subdivisions
January 17, 2023
Cedar Lake Advisory: Water users in the Utopia and Camelot subdivisions, as well as Strack and Van Til and True Value, may experience intermittent service interruptions on Tuesday, January 17th, starting at 8:00 am and continuing throughout the day. Customers may also experience water discoloration and/or pressure fluctuations. Thank you for your patience. Any further…
West Side Water Customers Boil Advisory
October 6, 2022
10/9/2022 12:45 PM – All tests returned normal. The Boil Advisory is no longer in effect. 10/6/2022 1:00 PM – West side water customers are under a boil advisory until further notice. An error in our system operations today on the West side water system dropped the water pressure below 20 psi. The drop in…
Water Tower Maintenance
September 27, 2022
November 16, 2022 – The Water Tower Maintenance has been completed. Beginning September 27, 2022, the water tower on the Town’s west side water system will be taken out of service for maintenance. The tower will be out of service for approximately 4-6 weeks. While we do not anticipate any service issues, water pressures could…