Road Closure (W 141st Ave between Hobart St. and Wheeler St.)

The Town of Cedar Lake announces that construction will begin today, September 21st, on and in the area of W 141st Ave between Hobart St. and Wheeler St. W 141st Ave will be closed with Detours posted. The Detour Route is W 133rd Ave. Expect delays and consider planning an alternative route. The project is scheduled…

LIFTED: PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER ADVISORY – West Side System (Municipal water users West of Cline Ave.) within Town Limits

Cedar Lake Alert System: PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER ADVISORY  0/1/2023 1:55 PM – The Boil advisory that was in effect for municipal water users, West of Cline Ave, is lifted. All samples passed. DATE: 8-31-2023 AFFECTED AREA:  West Side System (Municipal water users West of Cline Ave.) within Town Limits The Cedar Lake Water Utility experienced a…

Road Closure W 141st Ave

Road closure. Thursday, 8-31-2023. 141st Ave, West of Hanover Middle School / Red Cedars entrance. 141st Ave will be closed on Thursday, 8-31-2023. The closure will be West of the Hanover Middle School entrance on 141st Ave (at approximately the 10700 block of 141st Ave.) The school entrance, on 141st Ave, will be accessible via…

Public Beach Closing

The public beach behind the Cedar Lake Town Hall will be closed from Wednesday, June 28th, to Wednesday, July 5th, 2023, for the Summerfest. Parking near the beach will be closed Monday, June 26th, 2023, for the placement of dumpsters for Summerfest. There is the same procedure as in previous years.