P = Permitted V= Permitted with Variance

Blank = Prohibited*

*Can Petition for Variance of Use which will require recommendation from BZA and approval from Town Council

Primary Zoning Distrcits
Type of UseAR-1R-2R-TR-MR-SB-1B-2B-3M-1W-W
Residential Uses
Single-family Dwelling, detachedPPPPP P
Two-family dwellings (duplex)P P 
Multiple Family Dwelling P 
Manufactured HomesPPPP P
Office Uses
Offices (Business or Professional) PP P
Medical Offices
Banks/Real Estate/Insurance/Loan CompaniesPPP
Newspaper OfficesPP
Optician, Optometrist, and Ophthamologist OfficesPP
Food Services
Grocery, Fruit, or Vegetable StorePPP
Meat Market or DelicantessensPPP
Restaurants (excluding dancing, entertainment, alcoholic beverages, and drive-in service establishments)PPP
Tavern, where live entertainment is not providedPP
Restaurants, Taverns, Bars, or clubsP
Health Food StorePP
Frozen Food StoreP
Catering EstablismentsP
Retail Store
Book or Stationary StoresPPP
Clothing StorePPP
Drug StorePPP
Florist or Gift ShopPPP
Hardware or Appliance StorePPP
Jewelry StorePPP
Shoe Store or repair shopPPP
Variety StoresPPP
Wearing ApparelPPP
Antique StorePP
Art and School Supy StorePP
Type of UseAR-1R-2R-TR-MR-SB-1B-2B-3M-1W-W
Retail Store
Bicycle StorePP
Bridal/Tuxedo ShopPP
Camera & Photographic Suply StorePP
Carpet & Tile StorePP
Department StorePP
Electronic & Electronic Appliance StorePP
Furniture StorePP
Garden Supply and Seed StorePP
Hobby ShopPP
Interior Decorating Shop, incluing upholstery & making of draperies, slip covers, & other similar articles when conducted as part of the retail operationPP
Leather Goods StorePP
Liquor StorePP
Locksmith StorePP
Music Store, including instrument repairPP
Offfice Supply StorePP
Paint and Wallpaper StoresPP
Photographic Print ShopPP
Second Hand ClothingPP
Sporting Good StorePP
Tobacco Shop, retailPP
Toy StorePP
Video Rental and Sales StorePP
Building Materials Sales, with accessory enclosed or fenced storageP
Casket and Casket SuppliesP
Garden Supply Center with open fenced lot salesP
Machinery and Equipment Sales & RentalP
Monument SalesP
Orthopedic and Medical Appliance Store, but not including the assembly or manufacturing of such articlesP
Plumbing Showroom and ShopP
Professional Services
Appliance RepairPPP
Dry Cleaning Establishments or pick-up stations, dealing directly with consumers. Central drycleaning plants serving more than one (1) retail outlet shall be prohibitedPPP
Type of UseAR-1R-2R-TR-MR-SB-1B-2B-3M-1W-W
Professional Services
Laundry Service using not more than two (2) clothes units neither of which shall have a rated capacity of more than forty (40) pounds, and which use cleaning fluid that is non-explosive and non-flammablePPP
Beauty Parlors or barber shopsPPP
Photography StudioPPP
Employment AgencyPP
Fitness Center, Day Spa and Tanning SalonPP
Funeral HomePP
Furrier Store, including upholstery when condcuted as part of a retail operationPP
Travel BureauPP
Automobile Service Center, and Automobile Service StationP
Blueprinting and photocopying establishmentsP
Construction Office, including storage of construction vehiclesP
Radio and Television, service and repairP
Typewriter, Calculator, and Computer, service and repairP
Theater, Assembly Hall, Concert Hall, or other similar places of assemblyPP
Dwelling Units provided above Ground Floor of Commercial StructurePP
Amusement Establishments, Indoor and OutdoorPP
Club or Lodge, private, faternal, or religiousP
Garages, Parking Private or PublicP
Parking Area or Lot, private or publicP
Allowable Home Occupation Uses
Creative artPPPPP
Musical/Insturmental teaching – limit of 1 pupilPPPPP
All other Home Occupations Uses require a Variance of Use PPPPP
Type of UseAR-1R-2R-TR-MR-SB-1B-2B-3M-1W-W
The manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of food products exception fish and meat products, sauerkraut, yeast and the rendering or refining of fats and oilsV
The manufacture of pottery and figurines or any other similar ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only by electricity or gasV
Automobile upholstering, rebuilding, reconditioning, truck repair or overhauling, tire retreading or recapping and battery manufacturingV
Underground storage of fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas and gasoline in amounts not to exceed 120,000 gallons in capacity;V
Manufacturing of Office or Store Machines, Equipment or Supplies and the likeV
*All M-1 Uses require a Variance of UseÂ