Town Livable Centers
The Town of Cedar Lake has committed to developing and executing a master plan for key economic centers that benefit both our businesses and our community. Review the slides below for an insight into our current planning.
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Slide 1 - Cedar Lake Town Council Economic Development Town Livable Centers November 7, 2017 Slide 2 - Economic Development • Overview of Midway Gardens • Overview of Town Hall Center Slide 3 - Economic Development-Midway Gardens Slide 4 - Economic Development- Overview of Midway Gardens Project Area Slide 5 - Midway Gardens Area-Future Slide 6 - Realignment of Lake Shore Drive Slide 7 - Future Lake Shore Drive & MultiuseTrail Slide 8 - Entrance to Midway Gardens Slide 9 - Internal Vehicle Circulation Slide 10 - Permeable Pavement & Public Parking Slide 11 - Economic Development-Multi-Use Trail Slide 12 - Multi-Use Trail- Walkability & Parking Slide 13 - Economic Development-Multi-Use Trail Slide 14 - Economic Development-Town Hall -Present Slide 15 - Economic Development-Town Hall -Present Map Slide 16 - Bandshell and Walking Paths Slide 17 - Soccer / Ball Fields Slide 18 - Parking& Commerce Slide 19 - Commerce & Additional Parking