Maps & Directions

The Town of Cedar Lake is located approximately 45 miles south of Chicago in Northwest Indiana. Situated between I-394 in Illinois and I-65 in Indiana, Cedar Lake’s residents and visitors are only minutes away from the premier employment, recreation and entertainment amenities in the Region

Cedar Lake Town Hall is located at 7408 Constitution Avenue, Cedar Lake, Indiana 46303.


From the North:
80/94 to U.S. 41 south. Turn left (west)on 133rd Ave (traffic signal). 133rd Avenue becomes Lakeshore Drive. Lakeshore Drive becomes Morse Ave (south).

From the South:
I-65 north to Exit 247, Crown Point, U.S. 231 east. Remain on U.S. 231, through downtown Crown Point, and take a left on Cline Ave. Left on Lake Shore Drive.

From the East:
80/94 west to U.S. 41 south. Turn left (west)on 133rd Ave (traffic signal). 133rd Avenue becomes Lakeshore Drive. Lakeshore Drive becomes Morse Ave (south).

From the West:
80/94 east to U.S. 41 south. Turn left (west)on 133rd Ave (traffic signal). 133rd Avenue becomes Lakeshore Drive. Lakeshore Drive becomes Morse Ave (south).