A Message from the Clerk-Treasurer
As Clerk-Treasurer, I not only serve as the fiscal officer of the Town but also am Clerk to the legislative body. I maintain all Town records as required by law and am keeper of the Town seal. My staff and I are responsible for daily tasks such as managing utility accounts and billing processes, all accounts payable and receivable duties, preparing the budget, balancing bank statements, investing, issuing dog licenses and various permits, responding to requests for public information, payroll, establishing and maintaining personnel files for Town employees and other employment-related records.
Continuing education is very important to me. As Clerk-Treasurer, I attend State Board of Accounts meetings and attend conferences specific to the duties of my office. This helps me stay up to date with any and all new requirements. The office of the Clerk-Treasurer is ever changing and I intend to keep up with the responsibilities that impact the financial well-being of this Town.
It is our goal in the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office to provide quick, courteous, and accurate information to all citizens. Staff is available to answer any questions or concerns. If we cannot provide the requested information, we will direct you to the proper resource. Please feel free to contact us via phone, email, or visit us. Feedback is always valued.
Jennifer N. Sandberg
Jennifer Sandberg
7408 Constitution Ave
Cedar Lake, INÂ 46303
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
Phone: 219.374.7000
Fax: 219.374.8588